
About us

Welcome To Divyajyoti foundation

Divyajyoti Foundation was established in 2019 with the vision to provide quality education, hygiene, and environment for the children of our country. The foundation is a registered NGO and has been working towards its goals by conducting various activities in the field of education, health, and environment.The Foundation works towards achieving its mission by providing assistance to underprivileged children for their education and also by working with various educational institutions to improve the quality of education they provide.


Our Mission

The Divyajyoti Foundation is committed to providing quality education to underprivileged children in India. Our mission is to provide every child with the opportunity to receive a good education, regardless of their economic background. We believe that education is a fundamental human right and that every child deserves the chance to reach their full potential. We are working to ensure that all children The Foundation works towards achieving its mission by providing assistance to underprivileged children for their education and also by working with various educational institutions to improve the quality of education they provide.

Our Vison

Divyajyoti foundation was established with the vision to provide quality education, hygiene, and environment. We believe that every child has the right to a quality education, and we are committed to providing that to as many children as possible. We also believe in teaching children the importance of hygiene and taking care of their environment.
